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10/08/2014 - 13:03
Findings Momentary happiness reflects NOT how well things are going, BUT instead whether things are going BETTER than Expected. This...
20/07/2014 - 19:50
So why don't we? Where food is concerned, we're complicated. We aspire to extreme thinness as advocated by fashion and reinforced by the...
16/07/2014 - 15:00
Under scrutiny Approaching the question from a different perspective, a group of researchers from the University of Newcastle in the UK...
12/12/2013 - 14:56
There has long been a correlation observed between materialism, a lack of empathy and engagement with others, and unhappiness. But research...
04/11/2013 - 13:12
One early theory, promoted by the psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, held that cheating is governed by our moral development: the more...
31/08/2013 - 12:32
In the current study, conducted with the help of research students Meytal Fischer-Shofty and Yechiel Levkovitz, researchers tried to find...
18/07/2013 - 15:55
The data reveal that the participants' character changed during those four years at least as much as demographic factors, such as marital...
08/06/2013 - 12:46
Prof. Gil Diesendruck, of Bar-Ilan University’s Psychology Department and Gonda Brain Research Center, says that it starts at a very young...
21/05/2013 - 11:53
3. DRIVING THE SAME ROUTE ALL THE TIME Getting complacent is one of the worst things you can do if you hope to make it to the end of your...
29/05/2012 - 14:18
But that is not how dishonesty works. Over the past decade or so, my colleagues and I have taken a close look at why people cheat, using a...
21/04/2012 - 16:32
“Our data highlights the powerful influence of culture on shaping basic behaviours once considered biologically hardwired.” The system used...
25/02/2012 - 14:54
In making those discoveries, I have found that, in contrast to the longstanding scientific orthodoxy, Emotional Style arises partly from...
