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25/08/2019 - 13:13
The decline was masked for a while by the size of the almost wholly autochthonous Baby Boom generation, but now those native Europeans have...
09/02/2019 - 14:13
IIASA researchers Guy Abel (also affiliated to Shanghai University), Jesus Crespo Cuaresma (also Vienna University of Economics and...
06/06/2018 - 11:46
In my youth, a small band of visionaries led by Jean Monnet transformed the European Coal and Steel Community into the European...
13/12/2016 - 12:19
On the other hand, country leaders saw migration as something temporary that could be managed ad hoc, through unilateral or bilateral...
24/06/2013 - 12:36
The European relationship between religion, law and politics is a strange creature. Religious influence over political life is weaker in...
25/04/2013 - 15:08
Using samples of DNA from 37 skeletons found in a small area of eastern Germany, Haak and his colleagues studied how the population changed...
03/10/2012 - 16:21
The questions for the presentations can be formulated as follows: • What are the main characteristics of migration flows to EU countries...