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COVID-19 pandemic

13/12/2022 - 12:57
The survey showed that the percentage of Israeli households that are getting close to poverty reached 20.1 percent compared to 14 percent...
04/12/2022 - 15:03
Then rumors spread across the country that a fire in a locked-down high-rise caused ten deaths last week because authorities impeded...
15/02/2022 - 14:17
The global score fell from 5.37 to a new low of 5.28 out of ten. The only equivalent drop since 2006 was in 2010 after the global financial...
01/11/2021 - 12:30
Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi welcomed the leaders to Rome's Nuvola cloud-like convention center in the Fascist-era EUR neighborhood...
17/09/2021 - 12:24
Since then, Sophia has spoken to audiences across the globe (in multiple languages), been interviewed on countless TV shows, and even...
21/04/2021 - 12:34
They estimate that a relatively small number of vaccinations are needed to take a country out of crisis mode. The moment that half of the...
25/12/2020 - 15:32
The announcement took place at the President’s Residence during a small, socially distanced ceremony, which also celebrated Natan Sharansky...
16/12/2020 - 12:20
Russia and Germany reported record daily Covid-19 deaths on Friday, and October was Russia's deadliest month in a decade. Stockholm's...
11/10/2020 - 15:35
Governments bailed out the big investment banks that had directly contributed to the crisis, and when the economy got going again, it was...
18/07/2020 - 12:50
“As Covid-19 strikes the world, millionaires like us have a critical role to play in healing our world,” the millionaires said in a...
28/06/2020 - 11:20
The pandemic has “unleashed a unique worldwide wave of antisemitism,” researchers at the Kantor Center at Tel Aviv University said. “The...
01/06/2020 - 11:51
The discussion included the need for assistance to weather the crisis; how to effectively collect and distribute aid; promoting unity and...
