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European Transcultural Nursing Association (ETNA) International Conference

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 3rd ETNA International Conference, hosted by the Zefat Academic College in Zefat, Israel - Hagoshrim , 24-27 June 2013. For me it is a dream come true. For the past decade I have intensively promoted the topic of Transcultural Nursing and Cultural Competence in various national and international, educational, professional and research setting and the existence of this conference can be considered as an apex of my career.

I believe that this is a great opportunity for all healthcare professionals in the disciplines of Transcultural Nursing from Israel, Europe, Australia, the Americas and other parts of the world, to gain new knowledge, share experiences and truly implement Transcultural Nursing principles through multicultural meetings. The theme for this year’s conference, “Providing Health Care Services Across Cultural Boundaries”, with focus on research and evidence for practice; I am sure will have a genuine contribution to the delivery of quality nursing care around the globe.

Our keynotes and invited speakers come from around the world, representing the very best in their fields of expertise. Additionally we will have presentations, both oral and poster, from colleagues in practice, education, management and research. Your attendance at this conference is evidence of your commitment to advancing multicultural concepts and the principles of transcultural nursing.

I hope that the conference will be a rewarding and useful experience for you and your organization’s work. We trust that the conference venue and timetable will provide everyone with ample opportunity to meet and discuss different topics. By attending the conference you may also have the opportunity to visit the Holy Land and the historical area and sites surrounding, Hagoshrim, such as The Sea of Galilee.

We look forward to welcoming you to Israel from June 24-27, 2013

Sara Nissim
Conference Chair.

The Secretariat will be happy to assist you with any additional information. Kindly contact the Secretariat at the following address:
Target Conferences Ltd
PO Box 29041, Tel Aviv 61290, Israel
Tel: +972 3 5175150, Fax: +972 3 5175155
e-mail: etna@target-conferences.com