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Aviation and Cosmonautics 2013

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) invites all the comers to take part in the 12th International Conference "Aviation and Cosmonautics", which takes place from 12 to 15 November, 2013.

The purpose of which is the discussion of a wide range of issues in the aerospace industry:
*development of aviation and space industry, as one of the state priorities;
*solution of current problems;
*experience and knowledge exchange between the scientific and industrial enterprises and institutes of higher education of the country.

Scientists and experts from enterprises and organizations of the aerospace industry, teachers, researchers, postgraduate students and students from higher educational institutes of Russia, near and far abroad are invited to take part in the Conference.

Deadline for application form — October 11, 2013.

+7 499 158-45-51
+7 985 457-37-51
Organizing Committee address
125993, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, Volokolamskoe sh., 4, MAI.
