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Who pays the price? Society, victims and offenders

International Conference
"Who pays the price? Society, victims and offenders".
March 11-12, 2014,
Ariel University, Israel

The objective of the conference is to present and share ongoing research activities in the fields of criminology and victimology with the relevant scientific and research communities. It will bring together leading academics, scientists, and researchers from around the world. The conference aims to offer international perspectives on victims and offenders with an emphasis on social criminological aspects, as well as victimization, exclusion, and social problems.

Topics of interest
The following topics explore varied dimensions of the implications and costs of offenses and deviations for society and for individuals, including economic, social, and psychological aspects. Other topics in this context may be proposed.

Please select the topic area for your presentation from those listed below:
Domestic violence; Foreign workers; Forensic psychology; Evidentiary issues in police investigations; Hate crimes; Ideological offenders; Immigrants; Institutional corrections; Community corrections and probation; Rehabilitation and treatment; Police-community interactions; Positive Criminology and Victimology; Restorative justice (victim-offender mediation); Sex crimes and their victims; Terrorism.

Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline -November 15, 2013
Notification of acceptance - Within 2 weeks
Authors' Registration - December 20, 2013
Conference Dates - March 11-12, 2014

Office No. +972-(0)3-9765744
Confernce e-mail: Arielconference2014@gmail.com
