New Measures of Age and Ageing
Topics of interest include the following:
• Life-table-based measures
• Measures based on subjective life expectancy and survival probabilities
• Measures based on self-reported physical conditions
• Measures based on biomarkers
• Measures based on cognitive functioning
• Economic implications of the new measures
• Country case studies
The conference will be co-ordinated by Sergei Scherbov and Warren Sanderson. After scientific review, selected conference contributions will be published in the thematic issue of the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2016. The Yearbook is widely circulated in hard copy and freely available on the web ( This rather young journal already has a high impact factor.
Please send your 1-page abstract to
Deadline of submission prolonged until 15 July 2014.
Successful submitters will be informed by 1 August 2014.
Vienna Institute of Demography
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital
Wohllebengasse 12-14, 6th floor, 1040 Vienna, Austria
phone +43 (0)1 515 81-7702 | fax +43 (0)1 515 81-7730