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Gender, Culture & Migration 2015

The International Conference on Gender, Culture & Migration is a meeting organized under the auspices of the Polish-Norwegian consortium PAR MIGRATION NAVIGATOR, coordinated by the University of Gdańsk.
March 6- 7, 2015
Gdansk, Poland

This conference is an annual event organized under the main theme of Woman in culture that brings together researchers from multiple disciplines (psychology, sociology, gender studies) along with gender equality practitioners and policy makers, to consider how gender issues are represented worldwide.

The conference themes cover issues relating to gender with special emphasis on social and cultural changes influencing gender equality. Gender (in)equality is established and maintained at different but intersecting levels, from the more proximal family level to the more distal society level. At the cultural level it can be well-observed in the rituals and practices of both individuals and couples who struggle to achieve work-life balance. Certain societal facts and psychological phenomena influence men’s and women’s adopted work-life balance strategies and how gender equality is maintained or not maintained within their family and professional life.

The goal of the meeting is to analyse how the content of gender roles and egalitarian norms vary across cultures and which cultural and contextual factors lead to support gender equality. The focal questions of the conference concern the following issues: How can social change in values and attitudes toward gender equality be fostered? What is the role of culture in forming gender equality within couples, families, organizations and societies as a whole? And finally, how can we investigate the mutual influences of individual motivations and cultural change, when individuals/couples migrate to more egalitarian countries than their home country?

We welcome individual papers and posters as well as whole symposiums from different disciplines doing cultural and cross-cultural research relating to gender issues, culture and migration (psychology, sociology, education, gender studies).

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
• gender stereotypes & culture
• social change and gender roles
• cultural cues promoting gender equality
• women and men in migration
• gender equality and migration
• gender & acculturation processes
• marriage, family, parenting, & gender roles in cultural context
• parenting in migration
• migrant families and public sector
• work-life balance strategies – individual, couple, family, organizational perspectives
• gender mainstreaming
• discrimination
• interventions promoting gender equality

Important Dates:
August 1st, 2014 Opening registration & call for papers, poster and symposia
December 1st, 2014 Submission deadline for all abstracts
December 31st, 2014 Notification of selection for abstracts
January 31st, 2015 Deadline for registration
Match 6th, 2015 Opening of the Conference