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01/10/2019 - 11:40
For its decisive military support to Assad, Russia has been rewarded with military facilities in Syria – the Tartus naval facilty and the...
20/08/2019 - 13:04
A transcript of that 18:35 conversation is one of a half-dozen newly declassified texts of phone calls held by Kissinger — who at...
11/04/2019 - 18:44
In fact, beyond the alarmism and facile bromides inflamed by Trump’s announcement, what the the Golan situation actually illustrates is...
27/09/2018 - 15:33
The conference will feature Prof. Vladimir Khominetz, chief orthopedist of the Russian military, and Dr. Joseph Hsu, a senior member of the...
20/07/2018 - 17:01
President Vladimir Putin’s fundamental strategic objective is to restore Russian global leadership, or to put it somewhat less...
15/04/2018 - 13:34
We can accept that the chemical attack on a Damascus suburb was probably by war-hardened Syrian airmen, though rebellions do kill their own...
01/02/2018 - 17:06
But this is no Roberts painting. It’s actually the second-most-dangerous spot on the planet — after the Korean Peninsula — and it’s the...
24/11/2017 - 18:03
First, Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad made a surprise visit at the beginning of the week, to thank Putin for Russian assistance and to...
19/07/2017 - 12:53
Since 2012, Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Lebanese Shiite organization, has been fighting alongside Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against...
23/10/2016 - 13:42
Russia’s beefed-up deployment also affects Israel, which, according to foreign media reports, has launched numerous air strikes on arms...
24/06/2014 - 17:20
The fate of subsequent plans to bring together Iraq and Syria is also telling. After World War II, the Hashemite rulers of Jordan and Iraq...
13/06/2013 - 18:01
Moscow has, over the years, been dogged in its backing of the seemingly hopeless cause that is Bashar al-Assad’s regime, including...