Weinstein JAMS International Fellowship
The JAMS Foundation will approve Fellowships of up to $20,000 in support of projects outlined by Fellowship applicants. The Program is intended for individuals who have demonstrated experience with and commitment to the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and who seek to increase the availability of dispute resolution education, training and services in their own countries and beyond.
The Fellowship Program is designed to be flexible and open to innovation, and applicants are encouraged to be creative in pursuing activities in the U.S. that will serve to expand the use of ADR in their home countries.
Fellowships may be from one month to four months in duration. While applicants may propose activities lasting longer than four months, Fellowship funding is limited to the Fellowship period.
It is anticipated that Fellows will come from countries that do not have an established culture of using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) for cases in litigation. Part of Fellows' time in the U.S. will be spent observing how JAMS administers and resolves such cases.
Depending on the nature of their proposal, Fellows may also participate in university-based programs or be affiliated with other organizations or institutions that may help to advance their interests and goals. Such affiliations can take many forms, from formal enrollment in graduate degree programs to more informal arrangements providing varying degrees of access and support.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to research and begin to establish such affiliations prior to or concurrent with their Fellowship application. While the JAMS Foundation makes every effort to facilitate introductions where possible, it is Applicant's responsibility to research available opportunities and to establish affiliations with the organizations or institutions with which they intend to work or study.
In addition to their other activities, Fellows are also required to attend a week-long gathering of all 2019 Fellows in the San Francisco Bay Area in early September 2019.
- Applicants may not be citizens of the United States.
- Applicants must be fluent in English.
- Proposed Fellowship must be one month to four months in duration.
- Fellowship funding may only be used to support Fellowship activities in the U.S. and is not available for in-country projects.
- Preference for proposals that would help establish viable dispute resolution systems or change how disputes are resolved.
- Preference for applicants with experience as judges, lawyers, law professors, court administrators, government officers, or ADR practitioners.
- Preference for applicants able to commence their Fellowship with the annual gathering of Fellows in the San Francisco Bay area in early September 2019.
Information Sought From Applicant
- Purpose and goal of Fellowship
- Anticipated activity or activities in the U.S.
- Proposed duration and location(s) of Fellowship
- Plan for accomplishing Fellowship objectives upon return to home country
- Educational background
- Dispute resolution training and experience
- Organizations or institutions with which you are affiliated in your home country
- Organizations or institutions with which you expect to be affiliated while in the U.S.
- Amount of funding sought and proposed budget
- Other sources of funding available, applied for, or awarded
- Additional non-monetary resources or support requested from the JAMS Foundation
- Current visa status for entry into U.S. (visa type, expiration date).
Please note that pursuant to U.S. State Department regulations, the JAMS Foundation is not an approved 'Sponsor' with regard to the issuance of visas to foreign nationals. While the JAMS Foundation will make every effort to help facilitate visa applications of Weinstein Fellows, Fellows are individually responsible for obtaining the necessary visa for the purposes and duration of their Fellowship.
Please also note that pursuant to U.S. Internal Revenue Service regulations, Fellowship funding is subject to taxation as income. This tax may be affected by a number of factors, including recipient's country of origin, whether that country has a tax treaty with the U.S., and the purpose for which Fellowship funds are used. Additional information regarding the taxation of income to foreign nationals is available at www.irs.gov.