Ultra-Orthodox pupils in Israel score poorly on scholastic achievement test
The Education Ministry does not have information reflecting the full picture at the country's Haredi schools, but even the partial measure provides more than a hint of substandard scholastic achievement in the core curriculum subjects at other Israeli schools. During the 2011-2012 school year, the Education Ministry cut about NIS 35 million in allocations from 90 Haredi schools that had failed to teach core subjects, which marks a substantial change in enforcement of policy.
According to the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies, 48% of elementary school students are enrolled in either Haredi schools or schools in the Arab community, compared with 38% in Hebrew-speaking state secular schools.
According to projections, by 2040, 72% of elementary students will be enrolled in either Haredi or Arab schools. Only 19% will be in state secular schools, with the rest at state religious schools. Adding to concern about the future scholastic achievement of the country's students, achievement in most of the country's Arab schools is also low.
By Lior Dattel