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International PhD Program in the Biological science

Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory

Under the auspices of the University of Tübingen, approximately 100 students from all over the world are working on their PhDs at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory. Here, they profit from an interdisciplinary environment and first-rate scientific resources. Dedicated support and educational programs foster the scientific growth of doctoral students. The program offers cutting edge training in

*Evolutionary Biology
*Developmental Biology

*Molecular Biology
*Cellular Biology
*Structural Biology

Program Basics
The selection of a PhD program is a major step towards a scientific career. A PhD student commits several years of his or her life to research and the acquisition of scientific communication and leadership skills. At the end of his PhD training period, the student should come away with a not an advanced academic degree, but a firm understanding of the workings of cutting-edge research and a solid foundation for his or her career.
Here is a brief overview over what the International PhD Program in the Biological Sciences has to offer:

Research First
The main focus of the International PhD Program lies on hands-on experience in research. Students start their PhD projects immediately and generally produce one or more research publications before they finish their degree. You will find details about the research in laboratories participating in the MCSB track and the EDGE track on the respective webpages. This link will take you to the list of recent publications by our students.
Program Structure

In addition to carrying out scientific research, PhD students are required to attend a minimal number of courses, participate in research seminars and present their research findings at an internal symposium. In addition, a wide variety of optional courses and activities are also available.

PhD Degree/ Dr. rer. nat.
Most students of the International PhD Program register with the Faculty of Science at the University of Tuebingen, from which they will receive the German equivalent of the PhD degree (Dr. rer. nat.). You can find out more information about the formalities involved in registering at the Faculty of Sciences.

Financial Considerations
All PhD positions are fully funded for up to 4 years, either through stipends from the Max Planck Society or employment contracts. On average, PhD students can expect to have a disposable income of approximately 1450€ per month, from which health insurance costs have to be deducted. Additional subsidies may be available, based on personal circumstances.

The International PhD Program does not charge tuition or fees. Students wishing to enroll at the University of Tübingen are charged minimal fees (approximately €110/semester).

The PhD program is open to highly qualified students from Germany and any other country. Approximately 20 new PhD students join the program each year. Most students are selected through the annual application process, while some are admitted after directly contacting a faculty member. Find details of the annual application process here.