Bosco Verticale: An urban forest grows in Milan
According to Boeri, if the units of his urban sprawl-busting creation were individual homes on flat terrain, 50,000 square meters of land along with 10,000 square meters of forest would be required. Bosco Verticale, a “project for metropolitan reforestation that contributes to the regeneration of the environment and urban biodiversity without the implication of expanding the city upon the territory,” is just the first step in Boeri’s brilliant, six-part BioMilano scheme to bring green back into the polluted Italian economic capital.
I'm an instant admirer of the project, although some concerns mostly pertaining to fire, wind, maintenance, and umm, allergies, immediately come to mind. Read more about the project over at Stefano Boeri Architetti. The Financial Times also profiles the project — "the most exciting new tower in the world" — in a fantastic article about Europe’s greenery-embedded residential tower movement.
By Matt Hickman