21/11/2018 - 11:07
We understood Keret and the path he was taking, outside the mainstream that was captivated by lofty words and “important” literature that... →
01/11/2018 - 15:02
For the past few years, American Jews have glanced warily at Western Europe, where anti-Semitism, never dormant, is once again on the rise... →
05/10/2018 - 15:33
At a joint press conference in Jerusalem, Merkel said she plans to call Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and ask him several... →
02/10/2018 - 16:27
Now, in her newest book, she includes a character whose obsessive anti-Zionism morphs into anti-Semitism. “Lethal White,” the fourth series... →
06/09/2018 - 13:36
Protected by the constitution’s First Amendment, they held public rallies, paraded through the streets in their uniforms carrying Nazi... →
19/06/2018 - 13:20
The guide, designed for young people, teachers and political leaders, was presented by Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO’s director general. UNESCO... →
08/06/2018 - 21:33
“If anti-Semitism is exclusively addressed through Holocaust education, students might conclude that anti-Semitism is not an issue today or... →
27/01/2018 - 20:23
73 years ago, the remaining 7000 prisoners at the Auschwitzconcentration and extermination camp was liberated by the Red Army. Right... →
18/01/2018 - 14:33
The club will officially kick off the initiative on January 31 at its Premier League game against Bournemouth, with an apparently high-... →
15/01/2018 - 17:37
The idea, proposed by Sawsan Chebli, a Berlin state legislator of Palestinian heritage, received a significant boost on Wednesday... →
02/01/2018 - 15:48
This month, The Financial Times named Mintzker’s book about that archive – “The Many Deaths of Jew Süss: The Notorious Trial and Execution... →
10/09/2017 - 15:00
Since Donald Trump's ascent, though, the issue of Jews and whiteness pops up increasingly in the links shared by friends in the United... →